Sunday 20 March 2011

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


Within All three pieces I consistently kept the same text so that the audience recognised the film within each Piece, this created a brand identity which not only linked the texts it also linked the genre. As Seen in the post below most 'Action Thriller' were simple yet effective. All three texts had 'Agency FB' font, it was easy to access on both Apple Mac and Windows therefore I did not have to constantly copy and paste the text from websites such as ''

Another Link with text was my Name, as an independent adaptation I felt that most films concentrated on the importance of the Director rather than the Starring role therefore I mentioned my name in all three texts to remind the audience in a more subtle way for the link between the three.


Using the same location and imagery links the texts, similarly the poster was taken with the same lighting. The grey climate crates a moody atmosphere and reflects the characters confusion within the film. Both products feature the name and main character as well as the same location and Genre type. Whilst the Magazine has a target as if someone is after the Protagonist the Trailer has three people physically runnign after him. Both are ways of interpreting the 'action' side to my genre whilst the Main characters Memory loss is the 'Thriller' side of the genre.


Colour Scheme:

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