Monday 21 March 2011

Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Trailer and Genre Conventions:

Other conventions Used:

Using a similar technique to Memento I applied it to my trailer however I subverted it as I used it to represent the Villian rather than the hero. Instead of the rebellious smoking I went for dialogue in this scene 'Hes still Alive?' to make the audience question who the character was and why he was asking this question.

I also used a close-up shot to end my trailer, similar to the Bourne Identity. I combined both ideas from this and Memento and put them into my trailer. My Trailer only has one action scene therefore I felt it was key to make the genre more obvious to the audience. Although looking back now I feel that I should have added more action scenes to the trailer but at the time I did not want it to cross into a full trailer rather than a teaser.

Magazine Conventions:

Poster Conventions:

From these four posters I gained different ideas:

1. The idea of the enemy chasing the protagonist

2. Using action within my poster

3. Using a discontious image, to confuse veiwer

4. To connect with my veiwer through direct eye contact. - I went with the last idea because I felt it connected more with the viewer but still made the poster ingruiging leading them to watch the film.








I used the 'rule of thirds' as it makes the photograph apper more balanced and asthectically pleasing for the viewer. I decided not to make it black and white as I felt it looked better in colour, It would be too similar to 'the Bourne Identity' whilst I wanted to create my own take on the concept.

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