Saturday 18 December 2010

Poster Editing

Why I didn't choose numbers 1-6:

1) Whilst I liked the contrast between the Black and Colour as they reflected my trailer I felt that the line bewteen them made the whole poster and photograph look unprofessional.

2) The second poster looked slightly better as I covered half the face with a colour block at 'Opacity' tool to 40% using Adobe Photoshop however I wanted the audience to either see half of his face or the whole face not a bit of both as I felt it gave away 'the twins' one being good and one being evil without being subtle about it.

3) Using the main actor's whole face I wanted to connect with the audience however I realised that it made him look vulnerable as he was looking straight into the camera with a sad expression.

4) Yet again the whole look became unprofessional as the 'Burn' tool on photoshop managed to turn his face dark purple instead of blacked out so that was out of the quesiton.

5) This was one of my favourite from the above however after taking the opinions of other media students I found that when the veiwer look at the poster their gaze went straight to the block of colour instead of to the actor, who should be the main subject of the photograph.

6) The main difference between 6 and the final poster was the colour of the main title 'Recollection' the reason I changed it from white to navy was because it didnt stand out compared to the other writing, like the tag line, on the poster.

Why I picked the 'Final Poster'

The poster I chose gave the story of the two sides without being to obvious, it also allowed the veiwer to concentrate solely on the main actor as the background was an out of focus grey. The text looked better in navy as it went with the colour scheme of blue (actor's shirt) white and grey. These nuetral colours were used to give the poster a simple yet effective look similar to 'The Bourne Identity'

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