Tuesday 19 October 2010

Conventions of an Action/Thriller

Lead Role is contiunously pursued by a

certain enemy.

A Betrayal will occur during the movie.

Supporting role usually played by a female, who becomes the lead roles 'lover' by the end of the film.

Unpredictable ending, keeping the audience on edge, usually questions whether the character will die or not.

Climax resolves this question.


Aden is a young man who wakes up not knowing who he is or where he has come from; unbeknown to him he has recently faced an attempted murder by his twin brother. Why? Because they are both heirs to an extremely rich residence of which they both qualify as the owner is their grandfather. Aden has to work out what’s going on before the assassins complete their mission to wipe him out. On the way he meets people that will help him and betray him but unfortunately the assassins end up killing Aden however the twin brother is unsuccessful in ascertaining the estate as his grandfather finds out what he has done.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Questionnaire Results

What I gained From the Questions:

1)What gender I would be aiming my final products for, although I would have to consider how to appeal both genders within my texts.
2)What age my audience were; beign at school allowed me to research only from the students therefore I went hoem and surveyed my family aswell - to give me variety.
3)Determining what genre to go with, although I had considered a Romantic Comedy most people preferred the other genres, also finding actors willing to participate would be much harder.
4)Posters - Genre
5)This was a test to see what form of advertising has more impact on the audience, the Trailer will be the most important as more people view this than the poster/magazine.

Friday 8 October 2010


1. What is your gender?
Male __
Female __

2. How old are you?
11-18 __
19-35 __
36-49 __
50+ __

3. Which Genre do you prefer?
Horror __
Romantic comedy __
Comedy __
Sci-Fi __
Action __


4. Which poster do you prefer?

5. What form of advertising influences you to watch a film?
TV Advertising __
Billboards __
Posters __
Other (Please state) _________________

Sunday 3 October 2010

Choosing My Genre

Watching and Analysing many Teaser Trailers, I felt that I would go with the 'Action/Thriller' Genre, which include films like' The Bourne Identity' which is a film I will be basing my project around, although I aim to adress both mainstream and independant therefore I will possibly include some techniques used in the teaser trailer for 'Memento'